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Eliminate Errors & Confusion with Quality Assurance System

Errors could cost you time, money, and brand prestige. Hareword’s Quality Assurance Tool automatically detects errors on the fly and recommends revisions, if any.

Quality Assurance

Multi-Faceted Process

We Choose the Right Translators for Our Team

All translators working with us are rigorously tested for each translation project’s expertise and needs by our expert team. And our algorithm matches the most qualified talent for your project without leaving room for human error.

All Translations Go Through Our Quality Assurance Tool

Regardless of the translation package you opt for; we always run our Quality Assurance Tool to ensure the translation meets the standards of your project.

Our Team Monitors Translators’ Translation Quality Routinely

Every translator receives a project-based quality score, calculated according to a set of quality parameters, with detailed feedback. If translators fail to meet quality standards, we remove them from our database.

Our QA Tool Boosts Efficiency & Consistency!

Error Detection On-The-Go

A real-time QA check is performed for spelling, glossary, untranslatable text, numbers, formatting, key length, and many more, saving linguists time and letting them focus on other important details.

Quality assurance reports character limit, team consistency, incorrect term use.

Say Goodbye to Term & Translation Inconsistencies

QA Check automatically realizes nonconformance to term lists, recommends action as errors appear, and detects errors within the original text and its translation.

Reduce Translation inconsistency with Translation Memory

Reduce Feedback Cycles with In-Context Previews

Unless provided context, your translation may be a disaster. Our QA tool provides real-time visual context to ensure accurate translations.

In context preview for texts
The five translators around a desk are discussing a translation project in the office.

Our "You-Oriented" Team

We know how hard it is to go one by one over errors, especially if you find too many. You think it is best to translate from scratch, but your heart sinks, thinking about the wasted time and money and maybe how to handle the never-ending complaints from your clients or manager. Our team sympathizes with such difficulties and develops solutions unyieldingly to take some burden off your shoulders.

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